Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm a S-A-H-M... and proud of it

     How time flies.. It’s been 3 years since I decided to quit my job to become a full time housewife and mother. I did that without having much thought about the kind of life I was going into. As a first time mom, I was really looking forward to being a hands-on mother to my child 24/7. For me, that’s what being a mother really means. All I was thinking that time was I would finally have a stress free life when I leave my job and I thought staying at home would be so much fun.

     I’m sure most people (well, that includes me before I became SAHM) have a myth in mind that the Stay-At-Home Mom’s life is uncomplicated for what’s only making her busy is just doing the chores, enjoying time with the kids, and shopping. Sounds easy, huh. For 3 years, I have realized that being a SAHM (Stay-At-Home-Mom) is no easy task.  It requires a lot of sacrifice and hard work. Not to mention the fact that raising a family with a single income is difficult in this time and age. I think that is where the sacrifice comes in. When I was still working, we could go out to eat or go to the movies anytime we wanted; we could buy anything (within reason) that we liked. Those days are over. To be honest my husband and I haven’t been to a movie theatre in the last 3 years. If only I’m working right now, we could afford anything; a house, a fancy car, holidays, etc. But we just couldn’t.

     There came a point in those 3 years that I became bored with my day to day routine. I have felt as though I have no outlet, no money, no independence, no career, and certainly no life.  I have almost lost my identity and self worth. Yes, I cried and cried a lot. Good thing, I have a husband who always shows me and reminds me that I am appreciated and loved.

     I think you are waiting for me to say that being a stay at home mom is not so much fun after all. Yes, indeed. It is the most stressful, frustrating and demanding job on earth. So you may ask why I do it. True enough being a stay at home mom requires a lot of hard work and sacrifices but the reward and fulfillment that comes along with it is incomparable to anything. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that stay-at-home moms are much better than working moms. It doesn’t even guarantee a parental success. I’m just blatantly speaking my personal experience and views. I acknowledge that staying at home is not for every mother. Families have different needs. It’s just a matter of priorities and choices. As for me, I choose to be with my children because they need my time and attention more than I need a pay check and a career.


  1. Im proud of you len!

  2. dropping by to spread some love..
    welcome to the SAHM world :)
    congratulations..gorgeous kids! :)

  3. mare, i love this article :)
